Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sex, Single Rooms, and Funnoodles

Today's dilemma: what do you do when your new apartment roommate is "getting busy" in the room adjacent to yours, and you're having trouble sleeping as a result?

That tidbit led to a discussion about college life. Another person at the table told us about how her freshman roommate had no problems having sex with the boyfriend while our lunch table mate was trying to sleep in her own bed. You know, just a few feet away. Those experiences led our lunch table mate to request a single room at the new semester.

That story led to another lunch table person telling a tale about a family trip to the east coast. Two sisters shared one room; their brother and his wife was in the adjoining room. It was difficult for the sisters to sleep because the headboard in their brother's room hit the wall quite a bit the first night. The sisters' solution? They purchased long foam pool floaties and put them between the headboard and the wall. They funnoodled him!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Topics, 11-8-11

Babies that are so ugly, you're startled and don't know what to say.
Glitter eyeshadow that gets everywhere.
Bennie and the Jets.
Homemade chicken pot pie recipes.
Birth control.
Favorite salad dressings.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday Fragments, 11-4-11

"My in-laws like to remind us we have 3 kids and a mortgage. Really, like we didn't know how that happened?"

"My father-in-law likes to say he'd shovel chicken crap to make money if he needed to." Person across the table says, "and there are so many jobs like that around........"

Person 1: "I wonder if the new people around here are surprised by getting food everyday."
Person 2: "I know I was when I first started. I found myself thinking about what food was going to be on the menu."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Creative Sandwich Making

Half egg salad, half lunch meat & cheese. There are grapes on the plate for a bit of nutritional value.......