Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perfect Rumor Mill Fodder

Today's notable comment:

"Not that I want you to think anything by this, but can you use HSA funds for having a child?"

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday Topics, 12-27-11

In addition to talking about all the goodies people received for Christmas, we talked about a co-worker's photographs in the Wall Street Journal, along with one of his videos: Neil Bloom's "Her Flower"

Another topic on the table was kids who were surprised by their dads coming home unexpectedly:
Girl Tells Santa She Wants Dad Home From Iraq, Doesn't Know Santa is Dad

Also discussed, a co-worker recently went on a first date with someone she's been talking with online and through Skype. How comfortable would you be meeting someone face-to-face for the first time, in a city other than your own, without any friends or family nearby?